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17 Unique Ways of using Fabric Panels

A fabric panel is used for quilting, wall hanging or any other project. The panel has a design printed on it and is used as one piece, having a picture of a flower bouquet, trees, or characters.
  • Royal Motif

What Is Embroidery, And Why Do We Embroider?

Embroidery is the process of sewing thread through a fabric piece, creating a design. It's been around for centuries and is still used in different ways. Whether it's for clothing, accessories, or home decor, embroidered pieces are unique and add an extra level of detail and customization to your project.

  • Royal Motif

Rayon Fabric vs. Cotton: What Is the Difference?

Perfect fibers are a myth; each has its distinct advantages and disadvantages. Some are resilient; they bear wear and tear. On the other hand, some are environmentally friendly. Keep on reading this blog if you are battling between the choice of rayon fabric vs cotton. It has some insightful details which will ease your decision-making. 

  • Royal Motif

Henry Glass Fabric, A Trendy Choice For Your Home

Henry Glass Fabric is one of the world's most popular fabric companies. They have been around for over 100 years, and their fabrics are used in all types of clothing, bedding, and home decor. There are many different types of upholstery fabric to choose from when re-upholstering furniture or decorating a home. One of the most popular types of fabric recently has been Henry Glass fabric. Here are some reasons why this fabric is a trendy choice for your home:

  • Royal Motif

What Is A Lining And Its Benefits When Using A Particular Type Of Fabric?

Lining a piece of clothing is a great way to add structure and make it more wearable. There are many types of linings available, each with its own benefits. Some fabrics are better for lining because they are lightweight and breathable, which makes them perfect for hot weather items like skirts and blouses. They also add visual interest to a piece of clothing, making it more unique.

  • Royal Motif

10 Ways To Dress Up Your Home For All Hallows Eve

Halloween is the perfect time for dressing up. Whether you want to give your home a spooky feel or you're just looking for something fun to do with your kids, there's plenty of ways to bring some holiday magic into your home. So grab some decorations, grab a couple of friends, and get ready to decorate like no one's watching. Here are 10 ways to dress up your home for All Hallows Eve Fabric.

  • Royal Motif